Today is the start of something new

No this is not the beginning of one of High School Musical’s greatest songs, this is the start of my daily blog over the summer.

I just wrapped up my junior year at Chatham University, and want to use my last summer vacation to blog here every single day until school begins again in August.

Last year, I started the Sabres in 60 series (let me know if this should see a return), and I became so much more comfortable on camera and editing videos. This summer, I want and need to become a better writer.

Those early Sabres in 60 videos may be some of the worst pieces of content ever put on the internet, but they helped me so much get to the point I am at now. I am hoping for the same results with this series. While I would like nothing more than to scrub these videos from the internet and my mind, I will instead share the first Sabres in 60 to remind us all how god-awful they were.

God bless MANIAC and the rest of the Trainwreck crew for supporting that series and myself and allowing me to grow and find my voice within the media world.

This guy was honestly so correct and this comment helped me beyond belief to be better and I am so thankful for comments like this. I definitely didn’t love it at the time, but man idk if I’d be here without that.

I realized during my internship with the Penguins (will be doing a deep dive on this in future blogs) that I haven’t been writing as much as I should have been in the past, and need to really improve on it.

So what better way than to talk about dumb things on the internet for the next 100ish days?

I want this series to be collaborative with the incredible people who (for some reason) follow my journey through life. Tweet me @gatesy35 with ideas, comments, or concerns you may have, and I will do my best to implement them.

To keep myself honest, I will implement a wheel of punishments if I miss a day of blogging. I am currently putting the wheel together and would love to hear any suggestions. Some sneak peek picks of the wheel include a Ralph Krueger press conference marathon and attempting to run a beer mile faster than my 7th-grade mile time.

I, of course, will be working a summer job because I do unfortunately need money to survive, but that will not hinder this series whatsoever. There is also a cross-country road trip I have planned in the next few weeks, with some fun content ideas for that journey.

So buckle up folks. I have no idea where these next 100ish days will lead us, but I can confirm it will be memorable (for better or worse).

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