Could One of the NFL’s Most Prized Records Be Fraudulent? One Tweetspiracy Seems to Think So

The modern day internet really is like a box of chocolates, you truly never know what you’re going to get. Take the last week for example, could anyone have predicted the back and forth Drake/Kendrick would go on in a short window? #BBLDrizzy Did we know we were gonna get Anthony Edwards bringing back all the best parts of the Attitude Era/late 90’s wrestling? No shot.

So with that said, I shouldn’t have been surprised when I logged onto the ol’ X yesterday and found that someone was calling into question an NFL record that has stood for 20 years. I still remember where I was when Strahan recorded the sack, I was a kid but I remember it being weird with Favre sheepishly going down and the hoopla that followed.

I lived in the NYC area during this time, so Strahan getting this record was like winning a playoff game. Fans were elated, even calling me on their flip cell phones from the game to tell me they were there. What they didn’t know is that 20 years later, X user @Jaguargator9NFL could question everything they thought was reality:

The only thing crazier than uprooting a record that has stood for 20 years in the NFL, is how cut and dry it seems in this example. That is not a sack, it shouldn’t have been in the record books as a sack plain and simple. If the NFL has any integrity, they really will have no choice but to vacate this specific sack and in fact take the single season record away from Michael. The good news for Strahan, is he has about 10 different vehicles with which to publicly advocate for his position. The bad news, this X thread is now viral on TikTok.

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